Orchard Veterinary centre has been caring for pets in the West Midlands for the past 40 years.
Having three sites based in Oldbury, Harborne and Wednesbury Orchards offer a wide ranges of services for your pet.
(Check with the website the opening times & address as the ones below are for the Oldbury branch)
What makes Orchard Vets different from others, is their fantastic "Pal for life" scheme which owners pay a monthly subscription which covers for pet for unlimited veterinary treatment at any of the surgery's for life.
Included in this scheme is free vet consultations & treatments for illness and accidents, All operations carried out for medical reasons, Primary and booster vaccinations, all necessary laboratory tests, x-rays and other investigations.
Also included is discounts on medication, neutering, Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy and lots more which is listed on their website.
We are currently with the Oldbury branch which have been brilliant with Lola. She is always happy to see the staff and they are happy to see her.
Every vet and nurse that are at the setting are welcoming and will answer any questions you may have, along with giving you the best advice.
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