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  • Pepper&Chip
    09/05/2021 at 12:40 pm

    A rum lover’s paradise

    Tucked away in a small alley in the City of London you’ll find this cosy little bar that is a rum lover’s paradise. The back bar had every single type of rum you can imagine. The bar is fairly small with limited seating, so reservations are advised if you require a table. If drinking with your dog you will be offered the table closest to the door, a small cosy table for 2 – thankfully Pepperoni is only small so easy enough to squeeze in on our lap here where those with larger dogs may struggle. Pepperoni was offered her own doggy cocktail (water in a tropical bowl) whilst we sipped our delicious rum concoctions that the bartender made for us. There is no formal menu here so they will make a drink exactly to your likes and tastes for you.






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