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How to Teach Your Dog to Settle: A Guide for Peaceful Pooches

Teaching Your Dog to Settle Down

Heading to a dog-friendly venue or event with your furry friend can be an absolute blast, but what if your dog’s excitement levels are more ‘zoomies’ than ‘zen’? That’s where teaching your dog to settle becomes a game-changer. We’re diving into the hows and whys of getting your dog to calm down on cue. Ensuring both of you can enjoy those outings with ease.

What Is the Settle Command for Dogs?

The “settle” command is a crucial technique. It teaches dogs to lie down quietly and remain in a relaxed state for an extended period. It’s not just about getting them to sit or lie down. It’s about teaching them to transition from a state of excitement or agitation to one of calm and tranquillity on cue. This command is incredibly beneficial for managing your dog’s behaviour in various settings. From bustling dog friendly events to quiet evenings at home. By mastering the settle command, your dog learns to understand and respond to your need for them to calm down. A practical tool for both pet and owner to enjoy peaceful, stress-free moments together, no matter the environment.

Teaching Your Dog to Calm Down on Cue

  1. Choose Your Magic Mat: Start with a portable mat or dog bed. This will become your dog’s special chill-out zone.
  2. Make It Magical: In a distraction-free area, like your living room, lay down the mat. Lure your dog onto it with their favourite treats, praising and treating them for stepping on. This positive association turns the mat into a desirable place.
  3. Practice Makes Perfect: Encourage your dog to lie down on the mat, placing treats between their paws to keep them there. Gradually increase the time they spend lying down before getting a treat, building up their patience and comfort.
  4. Introduce Distance: Once your dog is content to stay on the mat, start moving away slightly. Reward them for staying put. If they follow you, gently lead them back and repeat. This teaches them to remain calm even when you’re not right beside them.

Why Does My Dog Struggle to Settle?

If your dog finds it hard to settle, it’s often due to overstimulation, lack of training, or simply not understanding what’s expected. Patience and consistent practice are key. Remember, every dog learns at their own pace, so celebrate the small victories!

Teaching Your Dog to Settle Down photo by Tom Harper Photography

How to Teach a Dog to Settle Outside

Teaching your dog to settle outside involves the same principles as indoors but with added distractions. Begin in quiet, familiar outdoor spaces and gradually introduce more challenging environments. Your dog’s special mat will signal that it’s time to calm down, even in new or exciting places.

The Magic in the Mat

By associating the mat with relaxation and safety, your dog will learn to seek it out when they need to unwind. Whether you’re at a café or a pub your dog will know that the mat means calm.

Wrapping Up

Teaching your dog to settle is more than just a party trick; it’s about enhancing the quality of life for both you and your furry friend. Mastering the settle command opens up a world of possibilities. Whether you’re aiming for peaceful visits to dog friendly places or contemplating the nuances of bringing a nervous dog to dog friendly venues.

Looking to explore new horizons? Why not check out our guide on the Top 5 places to grab a Sunday lunch with your dog in Wales? Keen on a bit of retail therapy? Our favourite dog friendly shops could offer just the outing you need. For the adventurers among us, our tips on happy camping with your dog ensure that no one is left behind on your next outdoor escapade.

Teaching your dog to settle can transform your experiences, from dining in tranquillity to enjoying serene strolls and beyond. Here’s to many more dog friendly adventures, bolstered by the newfound calm your dog has mastered.


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