[mycred_total_since from=”2022-05-10″ type=”df_treats”]
May treats
treats of all time
There’s loads of ways to earn treats as an explorer, below is a list showing all the way you can earn points:
[mycred_hook_table type=”df_treats”]Earn points by referring people to the website with your unique link, just copy the link below:
[mycred_affiliate_link url=”https://www.dogfuriendly.com” type=”df_treats”]Don’t worry your points haven’t gone anywhere.Feeling nostalgic? Well before we switched to treats you had [mycred_my_balance].
Top tip: Try searching part of the place you are going to list that is not common. For example, for ‘Dolphin Café’, search ‘Dolphin’ first just in case someone has listed it as ‘Dolphin Restaurant’.